
Airport tycoon 3 download full version
Airport tycoon 3 download full version

airport tycoon 3 download full version

~New improved roadnet texture, applies to all roads. ~New terminal and runway limitations increased. ~New JetWay and Airbridge (will not be scripted but will still look like one). ~New game sountrack with tycoon fitting music. Jika mau download AT3MM bisa langsung disini (20 MB) Changing: Updating tutorial so it's more helpful and fits in the new modified game. Changing: New and better event pictures for getting award buildings (Post Office, Museum, Military Base, Weather Station) Added: Spectator Gallery A & B are now in the game. Added: Credits to AT3 modders added in main menu. Added: "Airport Tycoon 3 Massively Modified" text in main menu. Added: Runways can now also be used as taxiways. Added: "Current contract" text in contract list, now it's easier to see which catering and fuel contract you have. Changed: The size of the model of the traintrack. Changed: Trainstation 2 placement is also relocated, like the Post Office. (The object doesn't overlap other objects at one side by some centimeters anymore) Changed: Post Office placement is relocated and fits better inside the squares. Changed: Not all terminal objects can be dragged around anymore to place multiple objects at once. (Except for the fact that it doesn't make turns, or connects to other traintracks) Changed: Traintrack can be build the same way as the road. Changed: Multiple shortstay parking lots can now be build at once. Fixed: The model of Spectator Gallery A. Fixed: Some spelling mistakes in the original game. Fixed: The size of the block of benches. Fixed: The size of the couch in the VIP lounge. Fixed: Paintings (in the terminal) can no longer be placed everywhere, only on walls. bangunanpun sudah terbuka semua.īuat Money Trainer Download disini aja (Donglot) 06-02-2012 21:19 kalo udah exit gamenya, mulai lagi, Load Airport.

  • Kembali ke bandara ente, langsung di SAVE.
  • Ganti jadi Tahun 2012 atau terserah tahun berapa (diatas 2000 ).
  • Blok lagi semua Address di Memory View.
  • Blok semua Address, lalu klik Gambar tanda panah yang nunjuk ke kanan bawah, maka Address tadi bakal masuk ke Tab Memory View/Tab Bawah.
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  • airport tycoon 3 download full version

    ALT+TAB, buka Cheat Engine, lalu klik gambar monitor di pojok kiri atas pilih AT3.exe, AirportTycoon3.exe, atau sejenisnya.Open Cheat Engine, Open AT3, buka Bandara Baru dan Pastikan blom ada bangunannya sama sekali.

    airport tycoon 3 download full version airport tycoon 3 download full version

    sampe Pesawat yang paling gede (BoodWing 747 atau Aerbus 380) Guna Cheat ini adalah membuka semua building dan Pesawat. jadi baca bener-bener kalo kompienya rusak jangan salahin ane. Ni Cheat memang Brutal, karena kalo ente salah-salah dikit bisa BSOD (Blue Screen of Death/Layar Biru) komputer ente.

    Airport tycoon 3 download full version